Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Same Emotions

          "How do you feel?" is a question that everyone ask. For some people a answer is given like "O.K." or "I'm alright", but other times it can all be told by their face expressions. The last one is the way that many people tell people how they fell and it can also tell people if you are in the mood to talk to people or not.

          For me people really have to ask me "How do you feel?" because for me i don't really show emotions  through face expression because of what has happen in the past. Another reason is, so that I don't have to talk about what is going on and sometimes I really don't want to talk to people. The last reason is that I have to be strong, so that I can't show what I am really feel (at least for now).

          This is a life that many people don't live, but it is away to hide the past and pain that I am dealing with. Most of the time people like sharing about what is going on, but I don't like to because it makes me feel like people are feeling sorry for me. That is not the life that I want to live. I don't what to have a life like my parents on making people feel crappy and sorry for them. Also I don't want to buy things to make me feel better or have someone in my life to keep me in a bubble. I would rather live alone then have a life like that.

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