Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Having a Super Power

          Having a super power would be col to have just think how popular or how much people would notice you. I would say that I have a power, but for me I  dot get noticed at all. I have to power to be invisible. I love it because during this senior year I am tired of listen or dealing with all the stupid stuff that happens in high school.

     During this year I was talking to one of my many acquaintance at Yorktown and when we were talking she told me that she didn't even realize that I still went to Yorktown and said I was manly invisible this year. I was so happy with that. Then a couple weeks ago I was in my accounting class and my teacher makes a comment on bullying. Then as a joke he said to my 11 person class he had to talk to me about what I did(I really did nothing he was just seeing who was paying attention in class) then one student said "Who's Jason?" and I laughed mostly because I was 20 feet in front of him and no one way in-between us. Plus the other reason that I laughed was that the person that told me that I was "invisible" was true and just not to her.

          With that I am still being myself and i won't change I like being the one in the background not being notice because when that happens I feel like I am more of who I am. I know that, that's bad to say, but I found out being more invisible is better to be noticed. Becoming invisible you don't get put into certain situations. Knowing this I am been out of many fun parts of being a kid, but at the same time I know that I will benefit it in the future. This will better myself because I can stand in the back and see others make mistakes and I can learn for them. Plus being in a public school people make fun of you, but when you become invisible they will not and they will realize that if they do make fun of you, you don't care. This is my life and if you don't like it deal with it, but don't try to change it.

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