Friday, January 21, 2011

Two in one

When you talk about your life you mostly will use the word "I" when you are describing some that "you" have done, but in reality there is not “you” or "I" there is only "us" and "we". The reason that was said because in each of us there is some else that is in our lives as well and his name is Jesus Christ. He lives in our heart and he is deals in our lives every day, so why would you say that you did something when there were two of you in one body. This may be difficult to understand now, but as you go on in life and live through to something’s in life you will then understand what I mean.

       In this "I" will be explaining more what "I" think he is trying to tell me, so that people can think about it and understand when people say you are not a whole person until they are with him. Think about the verse Psalm 23:4: Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. As it says we are never alone, but we may think we are. If we do feel that way it’s because we are the one that walks away from him. 

I know from a personal have done this many times. From dealing with parents, brother going across seas, eating disorder, cutting, depression. But when I feel down the most is when I see god the most come in my life because I never realized what he has done in my life. One story that I happened about three weeks ago and God really showed him-self to me when I was walking home about 10:30 p.m.

I was at a party and I was getting hungry, so I decided to go and get Subway. Well when I was my car started acting up and then just died on me. So I call my mom and she starts yelling at me because the car broke down. Then was just giving me attitude that whole night. So I decided that to walk to my dad’s from the party. Just too clear things up the person that had the party did not know I was walking home. I ran and walked in the cold night. Then in the middle of my walk, I just started crying and broke down. I close my eyes and asked God "why?" When I reopened my eyes I looked up in the sky and saw a real shooting star. That reminded me that God was in control and he is always with me. But sometimes I step away because I forget what he can do sometimes.

As you can see that I am not perfect either, but we just need to remember that we are never alone and he never leaves us, we leave him. So next time you feel alone remember this blog or at-least the poem. Well I will leave with a question: "Has there been a time in your life that you felt alone or that God as felt you?" Then as yourself "Did you leave him?"

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