Thursday, April 22, 2010

Which is The One to Choose........

     For many people the way that they pick which of the two paths to travel by, is based on influence. So will pick the one that all of their friends travel by, but some travel the path that few of us follow. The one that the few have traveled and it is God's pathway, the map is in a book; this book is called the bible. This helps us close the right decision, as well as bring us back before it’s too late and we have to start all over again. For the one that have traveled the path of their friends for years will soon well get let and the road will start to crumble, and then they well be let in the darkness. For them they are lucky because the ones that are traveling on the other path are close by and we can help them up and show the right way and give them their hope as well as a Map.
     For we are the ones that help the ones that have fallen they need our help, but for them we need to be a guard rail, so that they do not fall again. They are like a new born, the will need guidance and someone to watch over them, until they have fully grown. Some may always need some help, but we need to show that we trust them enough that they can do it on their own. After that all we can do is hope that what we gave them is enough information that they can survive. Plus we can only think that if they also need help that they can back to us, and we can help them once again.

     The road that we help on is also right above theirs, so that we can keep an eye on them. When they get tired of being down there and getting dragged down we are only an arms length away. We are the people that people don't really look at or wanting to talk to, until they need someone that they could lean on. This is our job to help people and get them off on a new foot and a new beginning. Then they could help someone change their ways and the next step.

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